For Educators

We offer to the public a variety of on-line tools and publications to help investors understand how to evaluate investments.

The N.H. Bureau of Securities promotes financial literacy and encourages schools and educators to utilize these resources  as part of financial literacy instruction.    

Saving and Investing for Students

Make Connections. Get Resources

The securities bureau can assist educators in providing investment-related education for students, like the one below.

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The Basics of Saving + Investing -  a teaching tool suitable for a semester or year of instruction for high school age learners covering the basics of sound financial decision-making and investing. Topics include:

  • Understanding the financial markets 
  • Making sound financial and investment decisions 
  • Selecting among the various saving and investing options 
  • Recognizing and victim-proofing yourself against investment fraud 
  • Knowing how regulators help to protect investors

IPT Basics